Project Credits
Brooke Glassford, Colorbox Photography - Thank you for taking such phenomenal pictures of me.
Derek Walker, Dnubb Designs - Thank you for bringing my idea to life in design. The logo turned out better than I could have dreamed.
Collin Frase, Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind - Thank you for checking this website for screen-reader and refreshable braille display accessibility. I appreciate your help in ensuring this project is available to all.
Dixon Darling - Thank you for writing and recording the music intro/outro for the audio recordings. And thank you for teaching me about audio recording! (Though I still think you overcharged me for those headphones haha.)
Mom, Dad, Erika - Thank you for reading my project and helping ensure the clarity of my words comes through.
Haley McNamara, Kristen Dobeck, Erin Landgrebe, Kandace McElroy - Thank you for your encouragement!
Anna Stratton - Thank you for helping me keep perspective and grow well through the process of putting this project together.